Sabtu, 30 September 2017

History records, stems from the formation of Islamic Sarikat in 1914 in Ngabang. Then the formation of Islamic Sarikat Party 1923. Become one important part in the history of the struggle movement of the people of West Kalimantan.
Fearing that their movement would try to revolt against the Dutch East Indies government in Borneo. As already happened in Java and Sumatra. The Dutch East Indies government then surrendered its character. Then thrown into Boven Digul, in Papua. From the name of the natural jail dump, the monument is called Tugu Di gulis.

SEJARAH SINGKAT DIGULISCatatan sejarah, berawal dari terbentuknya Sarikat Islam pada tahun 1914 di Ngabang. Kemudian terbentuknya Partai Sarikat Islam 1923. Menjadi salah satu bagian penting dalam sejarah perjuangan perjuangan rakyat Kalimantan Barat.Khawatir gerakan mereka akan mencoba memberontak melawan pemerintah Hindia Belanda di Kalimantan. Seperti yang sudah terjadi di Jawa dan Sumatera. Pemerintah Hindia Belanda kemudian menyerahkan karakternya. Lalu dilempar ke Boven Digul, di Papua. Dari nama tempat pembuangan sampah alam, monumen tersebut disebut Tugu Di gulis.

Storage of padi after harvesting and drying, before being kept the owner will set aside some parts for routine purposes, after the harvest will be done ritual ceremony to ride dango as gratitude to the "jubata" god omaha esa over the overflow harvest. dango is done for generations.

Tempat penyimpanan padi setelah di panendan di keringkan,sebelum di simpan pemilik akan menyisihkan beberapa bagian untuk keperluan rutin,setelah panen di lakukan akan di lakukan upacara ritual naik dango sebagai rasa syukur kepada “jubata”tuhan yang maha esa atas hasil panen yang melimpah.Upacara naik dango di lakukan secara turun temurun.


Since the early days of its construction, the Mosque pride of Muslims of West Kalimantan is holding a history of long struggle.They mean, the Mujahideen as a monument to the struggle of the ummah. The mosque was inaugurated by President Soeharto on October 23, 1978 along with 20 Zulkaidah 1398 to the 207th Anniversary of Pontianak City.
The development, which is chaired by Oesman Sapta Odang, features typical West Kalimantan architecture and Pontianak icon so that it becomes its own attraction as an Islami land of Equatorial City. The Great Mosque of Mujahideen can accommodate up to 9 thousand worshipers. This two-storey mosque building has an area of ​​60 meters x 60 meters on an area of ​​approximately 4 hectares. The outside courtyard of the mosque can also accommodate approximately as many as 1600 pilgrims who will worship at the mosque pride of Pontianak and West Kalimantan. The existence of Masjid Raya Mujahidin with "new face" is expected to further intensify and support the activities of worship of the Muslims as well as the center of da'wah and Islamic studieS.

Sejak awal pembangunannya, kebanggaan Masjid Muslim Kalimantan Barat memegang sejarah perjuangan panjang. Artinya, Mujahidin sebagai monumen perjuangan ummah. Masjid tersebut diresmikan oleh Presiden Soeharto pada tanggal 23 Oktober 1978 bersama dengan 20 Zulkaidah 1398 sampai HUT ke-207 Kota Pontianak.


According to chromatic inserts the inscription contains about the Buddhist spells (ye te mantra) written between the 7 reliefs of the worn stupa and the younger period of yupa in kutai around the 5th century AD. The inscription scripts are written between groups of stupas totaling three the fruit on the left, four stupas on the right, the stupa also write each but only a few that can be read. To facilitate reading on the stupa, starting from the lowest on the left 1.55 meters (stupa 1) to the highest 2 , 45 meters (Stupa VII) written in Pallawa Script and Sanskrit.

Menurut pendapar krom inskripsi berisi tentang mantra-mantra budha(ye te mantra) di tuliskan di antara 7 relief stupa sudah aus dan masa yang lebih muda dari yupa di kutai sekitar abad ke-5 M.Skrip inskripsi di tulis di antara kelompok stupa berjumlah tiga buah sebelah kiri,empat buah  stupa di sebelah kanan,di tulis juga masing-masing stupa namun hanya beberapa yang dapat terbaca.Untuk untuk memudahkan membaca pada stupa,di mulai dari yang terendah di sebelah kiri 1.55 meter(stupa 1) hingga yang tertinggi  2,45 meter (Stupa VII ) di tulis dalam Skrip Pallawa dan berbahasa Sansekerta.

Jumat, 15 September 2017

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuIn my first blog, I will introduce my self.
Haiii ....... my friends introduce my name Sri Hartini, Now I am 19 years old, I come from Singkawang, West Kalimantan Barat
.Singkawang it is known as amoi city because in Singkawang the majority of the population is Chinese.
And in this year 2017 I officially became a student UNTAN, a very unexpected thing.Because when I register in "UNTAN" I'm not so sure if I can get in UNTAN, in because in the throne that many devotees........ 
And I do not really hope to enter UNTAN, if I'm too hopeful I'm afraid I'll be disappointed later. And finally the graduation announcement came in UNTAN and it turns out I was accepted in UNTAN, when I was very happy and told my parents, when they heard them happy and grateful.
The reason I am studying at university is to pursue my goals, want to add my insights, a bright future, happy parents and family elevation.My college targets are 4 years old, finished college I will immediately find a job that promises to me and my family. I do not want to waste time to play games because I will repay the services of my parents.Many they have sacrificed for me and my younger siblings.
But there is a fear to be far away from my parents, because before I have not been far from my parents for a long time, including my grandmother, I am very close and affectionate with my grandmother because since childhood I was treated and guarded by my grandmother .There comes to mind I have plans to resign from UNTAN because I am afraid to be away from both my parents and grandmother, but I think again I do not want to disappoint my parents and grandmother.I have to be strong and proud of people who have sacrificed a lot for me that is my parents and grandmother.Maybe this is all I can say for now, wassalamualaikaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatu.

P : PUSPAWANTI F1271171038 S : SRI HARTINI F1261171009                 Setting : at a stopping place for public vehicles, a...